This is BioGaia
BioGaia is an innovative and action-oriented health care company, and a front runner within probiotics. The company is anchored in Sweden and the products are distributed in more than 90 countries.
The desire to make a difference in people’s health lies in our DNA. For nearly thirty years we have created global networks of leading independent researchers and specialists, manufacturing experts and local distribution partners.
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Our Mission
BioGaia conducts research and development to be able to offer consumers clinically proven, healthy, patented and user-friendly human strain probiotic products.
Our products combine the well-researched probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus reuteri with top of the line engineering to develop unique packaging solutions and creative probiotic products that match consumer needs. Lactobacillus reuteri is a “good” and friendly bacterium that helps battle the “bad” microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract.
Our Vision
BioGaia’s vision is to be a ground- breaking leader in probiotics. We will achieve our vision by:
- Innovative research
- Unique formulations and packaging solutions
- Strong brand recognition
- Social responsibility
- Excellence in intellectual property (IP)
- Global outreach
- Being an attractive workplace